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Sales/Adoption Policy

Hoppy Chaos Rabbitry

Sales/Adoption Policy


All of our bunnies/rabbits are available on a first come first serve basis.  We do occasionally offer the option of a reservation with a 50% non-refundable deposit.  This covers their feed, shelter, cleaning and care for the bunny until pickup.  Placing a deposit also means you agree to the final price and terms of our sales policy.  If anything happens to the rabbit in our care, the option of a different rabbit of the same value will be made or a refund would become available at that time.  If the deposit isn’t received within 24 hours from the time of agreement the bunny is relisted as available.  Upon receiving the deposit, a reserve pickup date must be established as well.  If the bunny isn’t picked up by said date or we have not been contacted regarding other arrangements, then the bunny is relisted and the deposit is forfeited. 


If you can’t pick up due to distance, we are willing to work with transports depending on how close they can get to us on a route.  It is up to you to find reliable transport for the bunny, however, we will gladly communicate with the chosen transport to make sure it will work out.  We are not responsible for anything that happens to a bunny once it leaves our care on a transport.  Different bunnies handle transport very differently. No refunds will be issues once the bunny has been dropped off to transport. 


To hold a bunny past their release date, there is a $20/week boarding fee.  This covers their feed and housing expenses.  Release dates on bunnies depend on the specific breed.  Average size and small dwarf breeds may leave at 8 weeks but Flemish Giants, French Lops and English Lops will not leave before 12 weeks of age.  No exceptions on bunnies leaving their moms any earlier.  We want to assure the best healthy start for our bunnies.


We try our best to confirm the sex of the bunny, but mistakes happen. It is the new owners responsibility to confirm sex on Adoption day. If sex is not correct while in our care we will fully refund or exchange the bunny.


We handle all our bunnies from the day they are born to assure they are used to being handled and to judge personalities to the best of our abilities.  We breed for the best temperaments possible. However, as they get older and reach maturity, we are not responsible for any temperament changes.  Some temperament changes can be due to hormones that can be helped by spaying and neutering, and stress can also cause some temperament changes.  Bunnies are very intelligent and will let you know if they do not like something. 


We are not responsible for any injuries that occur by bunnies once they leave.  They are animals.  They can scratch and bite just like any other animal. 


All bunnies are given a preventative treatment for mites before leaving our rabbitry.   They will come will transition feed for you to slowly transition to a feed of your choice.  Please review our general care info packet for our recommendations but these are just recommendation and ultimately it is your choice as to what you would like to feed you new fur baby.  Your new bunny will also come with a toy and a birth certificate.  If a pedigree is available for your particular bunny, there is an additional $20 fee for a pedigree. 


We will not sell a bunny that shows any signs of sickness.  Once you meet your bunny and decide to take it home, you are agreeing that it is 100% healthy.  We are not responsible for any vet bills that your bunny may encounter once it leaves our care.  You should plan on quarantining your bunny for no less than 30 days from any other bunnies in your home.  Rabbits need time to adjust, and stress can cause health issues in a bunny very quickly. 


If a rabbit is sold as a proven doe or buck we do not guarantee the rabbit’s fertility or that the temperament would not change in a different environment.

We reserve the right to refuse to sell or back out of any sale for any reason we see fit especially if we feel circumstances have changed to ensure the bunny’s safety.  If a deposit has been placed and we feel the need to back out of a sale we will issue a refund. 


If at any time you can no longer properly care for your bunny or a situation has arisen, CONTACT US FIRST.  We will either take the bunny back at NO CHARGE, or we will help you find a new home for the bunny.  At no time, should any bunny from our rabbitry be taken to any shelter or humane society.


By agreeing to this sales policy, you are agreeing that we have determined that the bunny is 100% healthy before leaving our rabbitry.




Breed of Bunny:____________________________________________  Ear #:_____________________

                                                                                                            (filled in by HCR for our records)


Buyer Signature:___________________________________________   Date:_____________________

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